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Template Image

CIF 2011
Untuk membuat posting, pertama-tama, Anda perlu membuat thumbnail untuk setiap foto, software gratis yang tersedia di internet untuk membuat thumbnail dan saya pikir Anda dapat dengan mudah mencari mereka (saya menggunakan Yet Another Pencipta Miniatur). Upload gambar asli dan thumbnail ke host atau gambar layanan hosting.
Setelah itu, membuat posting seperti biasa. Masing-masing pos harus berisi satu gambar dan teks untuk deskripsi. Setelah Anda selesai membuat konten untuk posting, klik edit HTML, cari <img src = "........." /> Tag gambar Anda dan mengubahnya ke:
<img alt="link untuk src="link image" asli untuk thumbnail" />
Jadi struktur untuk posting harus seperti ini:
<img alt="link untuk src="link image" asli untuk thumbnail" />
teks untuk deskripsi
Gambar asli harus minimal 1024x768 px dan ukuran untuk thumbnail tetap pada 180x120 px

To install this template ,please follow these steps

1, Download this template (of course :)

2, Open template file in any word editor you have ( I recommend Notepad++ )

3, To change header to your logo or banner ,find this code :
<div class="logo">
<h1><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Simplex PhotoGallery2</a></h1>
</div><!-- logo //-->

and change the code in bold to yours banner or logo ,for example :
<div class="logo">
<a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'><img src="your_logo"/></a>
</div><!-- logo //-->

4, Change the link to categories in Category menu , find this code :

<div class="rp_list" id="cat_list">
<a href="http://galeri-syafii.blogspot.com/"><h3>Home</h3></a>
<a href="  http://galeri-syafii.blogspot.com/search/label/human"><h3>Human</h3></a>
<a href="  http://galeri-syafii.blogspot.com /search/label/nature"><h3>Nature</h3></a>
<a href="  http://galeri-syafii.blogspot.com /search/label/test"><h3>Test</h3></a>

Change the link and text in bold to your category name and link .Link to each category has structure :
http://your blog name.blogspot.com/search/label/category name
You can add more or remove links as your need .

5, To change the ad banner ,find this code :
<li class="widget1">
<a href="  http://galeri-syafii.blogspot.com "><img src="http://30.imageshack.us/img30/3598/120x600ads.jpg"/></a>

and change the code in bold to your ad code . If you want to add code of ad network such as Adsense or Adbrite ...,you have to encode it first ,by copying the code Ad network provide ,then go to http://centricle.com/tools/html-entities/ ,paste it in text box ,click on encode ,and copy the result to template file to replace the text in bold above.

6, Save template and upload it to Blogger .

How to use this template ?

To make a post ,first of all ,you need to create thumbnail for each of your images ,many free softwares available in internet for creating thumbnail and I think you can easily search for them ( I use Yet Another Thumbnail Creator ) .Upload original image and thumbnail to a host or image hosting service .
After that ,create a post as normal .Each post should contain one image and text for description . When you finish creating content for the post ,click on edit HTML ,find <img src="........." /> tag of your image and change it to :
<img alt="link to original image" src="link to thumbnail" />
So the structure for a post should be like this :
<img alt="link to original image" src="link to thumbnail" />
text for description

Original image should be at least 1024x768 px and size for thumbnail is fixed at 180x120 px

That's all ,and you can publish your post .
I hope you like this template . Feel free to leave me feedback via comments ^^ Thanks for supporting me.

Muhammad Syafii Tampubolon | Buat Lencana Anda

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